Upper Rogue United Methodist Church
August 14, 2016 Isaiah 5:1-7
anyone here tell me the three branches of biblical ministry? They
are pastor, priest, and prophet. The pastor’s purpose is to help
people grow and mature spiritually. Paul explains that God gave some
to be pastors “for building up the body of Christ, until we all
attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of
God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness
of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13). He or she accomplishes this
through the Teaching/preaching of traditional doctrine and Care
giving, such as visitation, counseling, comforting, and taking care
of the needs of people. The role of the priest is to restore people
to God: every time we break the bread, pour the baptismal waters, or
anoint the sick it is a priestly act. The Prophet has, 2016 the thankless
task of speaking the hard, but necessary word of God: words that
challenge our deeply held values, prejudices, and priorities. They
point out our sins and call us to repentance and the return to
righteous living. Maybe that's why everyone hates prophets.
may love our pastor. Many people admire the priest. But just about
everyone hates a prophet. Indeed, prophets have a long history of
being hated, persecuted, and even killed. In his lament over
Jerusalem, Jesus says: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Your people have
killed the prophets and have stoned the messengers who were sent to
you...” (Matt. 23:37a). The prophet Jeremiah was cursed, beaten
and even jailed by his own kin. Elisha was under a death sentence
from Joram. When Elijah was in a cave, hiding from Jezebel's wrath,
he called out to God: "LORD God All-Powerful, I've always done
my best to obey you. But your people have broken their solemn promise
to you. They have torn down your altars and killed all your prophets,
except me. And now they are even trying to kill me!" (1Ki 19:10)
Jeremiah was tossed into a dry well. The list goes on.
and priests are nice to have around. But prophets? When Ahab saw
Elijah, he said, "Have you caught up with me, my enemy?"
My enemy. A fitting title for those whose word is so bothersome, and
who will not be silenced. The words of a prophet like Isaiah are
often bitter medicine, without a spoonful of sugar. The don't go
down easily. But Isaiah was also an artist; an artist whose paint
was words. He painted word pictures that drew you in, making you
want to listen. Such is today's passage. A song of love betrayed
song describes a farmer who carefully and lovingly planted a
vineyard. He dug the soil and cleared it of stones; he planted the
finest vines. He even built a tower to guard them, and dug a pit for
treading the grapes. But then something went terribly wrong. All of
the grapes, though coming from the best stock, were sour. In spite of
his loving care, his beloved, his vineyard, betrayed him.
this point the whole tone of the song changes as the prophet calls
upon the people of Jerusalem to judge between his friend and the
vineyard. Is there anything I failed to do for it? Then why did it
produce sour grapes and not the good grapes I expected?
5:4) And then Isaiah swings the ax.
is what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge
around it, break down the wall that protects it, and let wild animals
eat it and trample it down. I will let it be overgrown with weeds. I
will not trim the vines or hoe the ground; instead, I will let briers
and thorns cover it. I will even forbid the clouds to let rain fall
on it."
5:5-6) And just in case there is any doubt, the prophet makes it
clear he is not speaking of grapes and vineyards at all, but of his
listeners. Israel is the vineyard of the LORD Almighty; the people
of Judah are the vines he planted. He expected them to do what was
good, but instead they committed murder. He expected them to do what
was right, but their victims cried out for justice. (Isa 5:7).
hates prophets. Maybe because it isn't easy to hear your sins
enumerated. It's almost like sitting in a courtroom listening to the
reading, point by point, of the charges against you. And the charges
were many, and ugly. You are in for trouble! You take over house
after house and field after field, until there is no room left for
anyone else in all the land.
5:8)You are in for trouble! You get up early to start drinking, and
you keep it up late into the night. At your drinking parties you have
the music of stringed instruments, tambourines, and flutes. But you
never even think about all the LORD has done,
5:11-1 At this point Isaiah has left preaching and gone to meddling.
hates prophets. It's an election year, and just about anything can
and will be done or said. 8 years ago, in another election year, you
may recall the fuss over the preaching of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright,
who enumerated some of the sins of American culture; racism,
violence, injustice, and war-mongering among them. Preaching that
probably would have never been reported had not one of the
candidates' Barrak Obama, been a part of his congregation. There
were those who opined that Mr. Obama should condemn his pastor for
those remarks. But the truth is, Rev. Wright stood in a long line
of those whose prophetic pronouncements make their listeners
much as everyone hates prophets, they are necessary. Their words
call us back to God, back to righteousness. Prophets won't let us
settle down to the easy work of mercy when Justice remains to be
embraced. There is a difference. A missionary once described mercy
as being kind. When we offer a meal to the hungry, water to the
thirsty, clothes to the naked and our presence to the lonely, that's
mercy. And mercy is important. Last week, as you left the communion
rail, I urged you to do mercy. We do works of mercy in the name of
Jesus, who also did works of mercy.
mercy is often not enough. H.L. Mencken,wrote: “ Injustice is
relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice.” There is an old
story about two neighbors, a baker and a farmer. The baker began to
be suspicious of the farmer, wondering if he wasn't getting his
money's worth when he paid for a pound of butter. He weighed the
farmer's butter on several occasions, and the butter consistently
weighed less than a full pound. Enraged, he had him arrested for
judge asked the farmer at the trial, "I presume you have
of course, Your Honor," the farmer replied.
I presume you use standard weights to measure your goods?” the
judge asked.
generally,” said the farmer. “But I don’t use them when serving
the baker,” replied the farmer.
how do you hope to weigh accurately the butter you sell to your
neighbor?" the judge asked.
easy," the farmer said. "When the baker began to buy butter
from me, I decided to buy my bread from him. I've been using his
one-pound loaves to balance my scales when I portion out his butter.”
pastor asked her congregation what they would do if they saw a baby
floating down a river. Almost to a person they replied they would
jump into the river and pull out the child. “What if there were
two babies?” she asked and received the same answer. What if there
were 4, or 8, or 16, or 32? Finally one of those listening said: “I
think I'd head upstream and find out who was throwing those babies in
the water, and stop them.”
that, said the pastor, would be an act of justice.” And justice is
one of the things the prophets call us to. Jesus berates the
pharisees saying: “You Pharisees and teachers are show-offs, and
you're in for trouble! You give God a tenth of the spices from your
garden, such as mint, dill, and cumin. Yet you neglect the more
important matters of the Law, such as justice, mercy, and
faithfulness. These are the important things you should have done,
though you should not have left the others undone either.”(Mat
exhorts us: The LORD God has told us what is right and what he
demands: "See that justice is done, let mercy be your first
concern, and humbly obey your God."
6:8) And how does our society respond? Much like Jerusalem to whom
Micah preached. You store up stolen treasures and use dishonest
scales. But I, the LORD, will punish you for cheating with weights
and with measures. You rich people are violent, and everyone tells
lies. Because of your sins, I will wound you and leave you ruined and
defenseless. You will eat, but still be hungry; you will store up
goods, but lose everything-- I, the LORD, will let it all be captured
in war. You won't harvest what you plant or use the oil from your
olive trees or drink the wine from grapes you grow.
hates prophets: but as unpleasant as their messages can be, it
behooves us to listen. It behooves us to listen when they tell us a
garbage heap of plastic the size of Connecticut is floating in the
middle of the Pacific Ocean. It behooves us to listen when they tell
us we are polluting God's creation to the point it endangers not only
our children and grandchildren, but even ourselves. It behooves us
to listen when they tell us our activities are changing the climate
it ways that endanger life: animal, plant, and human. It behooves us
to listen when they tell us the glaciers are melting and the seas are
rising. It behooves us to listen when they tell us that the economic
gap between the wealthiest and the poorest of earth's people cannot
be sustained. It behooves us to listen when they tell us that
violence must be restrained. It behooves us to listen when they tell
us that before God blesses America, America must bless God.
hates prophets, but their words are a part of the proclamation of the
Gospel. When they call us to justice, they call us to follow Christ.
When they call us to care for the earth, they call us to obey God.
Our prayer for God's kingdom to come, “On earth as it is in
heaven.” cannot, and will not be answered without upsetting a lot
of people, people just like us. Justice and righteousness are the
agenda of the prophets, let us make them ours. AMEN.
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