Sunday, November 15, 2020


Thoughts on the Wise and Foolish Bridesmaids

Those of us who were Boy Scouts remember(and perhaps still practice) the Boy Scout motto: Be prepared.

Be prepared is the message Jesus gives us in this parable.

The bride-price and dowry having been settled, and after a 12 month betrothal in which,except for living together, the couple was considered married, the wedding day was finally here. Much as is the tradition in our own time, the bride was dressed in special wedding garments and bejeweled. Surrounded by her female friends, the bride would await the arrival of her groom. The “June” of that day, the popular time for weddings, was in the fall, after the harvest. To insure that the way was lighted for the groom, the bridesmaids would carry small, clay, oil lamps, with vials of extra oil. As the groom approached, they would accompany him, lighting both the path and the house.

That's what was supposed to happen. But in this case, for reasons not given, the groom was delayed. The bridesmaids became drowsy and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, someone shouted, "Here's the groom! Come to meet him!"

Mat 25:7 When the girls got up and started getting their lamps ready,

Mat 25:8 the foolish ones said to the others, "Let us have some of your oil! Our lamps are going out."

Mat 25:9 The girls who were wise answered, "There's not enough oil for all of us! Go and buy some for yourselves."

While the unprepared bridesmaids were seeking more oil, the groom was escorted to the house, the doors were closed and the party began. Upon their arrival, the unprepared were barred from entry.

Over the years, I have heard and read many interpretations of this story and what it means. Many of them are as complex and obscure as the best conspiracy theory. But as for me, I think the story means exactly what Jesus said it means:  Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” Throughout chapter,24, Jesus has been telling his disciples that the end is coming, and of the need to be faithful. He has warned them of wars, persecutions, false prophets, false messiahs, and so forth. He has admonished them to remain faithful and ready. This parable, and the parable of the talents that follows, again call the disciples, and us, to preparedness and watchfulness.

It's that simple. We cannot know when the end will come; and while many have parsed the scriptures and proclaimed the date, they have been wrong, and they will continue to be wrong. If even Jesus doesn't know, how can we. But, then, it's not the when that is important, it's our preparedness; our faithfulness. That's the simple message this parable proclaims. Be Prepared! AMEN.